Hey! So Glad You're Here.
Sincerely, I am. Whenever someone shows an interest in the words written by another, they give a gift.
I have been a writer for as long as I can remember. My first crushes were with words: a beautiful turn of phrase, or a poem written two hundred years ago. Writing is how I process my world. I once told my husband that at any time of the day or night, if you were to look into my brain, you would see a series of 'headlines' detailing my thoughts. Even when I think, I write.
Predominantly, I write for myself. There is a fear associated with sharing the most personal and vulnerable parts of yourself, and that is what writing is: personal and vulnerable. There is also that nagging voice that asks, "Why do you think anyone would want to read that?" Hence, the name I have chosen: Just Who Does She Think She Is?
What follows is a hodgepodge of my thoughts from both past and present. In no particular order. Posted as I follow the fancy of my soul.
Thank you for the gift of reading them.